Els èxits i avenços del José en la batalla contra el càncer són la base del seu llegat, però són les històries quotidianes les que capturen el seu caràcter i personalitat. Durant aquests últims dotze mesos, les vivències i els moments que molts de vosaltres heu compartit amb la família -a través de notes escrites, de les xarxes socials, de trucades telefòniques i sopars- han estat el nostre salvavides. Esperem continuar celebrant la seva vida a través dels seus records.
Us animem a tots a compartir qualsevol record i anècdota que tingueu sobre el José.

És difícil escollir un moment, el Pepe era una persona que impactava sempre al entrar a qualsevol lloc, però a la meva curta experiència hi han dos moments clau, un graciòs i un altre d’ inspirador.
El primer és com es va posar de brut intentant revifar el foc bufant a ple pulmó a casa la Lali.
El segon és com cuidava la seva relació amb el seu fill anant a jugar a tenis cada tarda de diumenge.
Jose communicative energy, passion for the patients, clarity of thinking, and demanding attitude changed my trajectory. Jose was the father of precision medicine and biology-driven clinical trials. He has trained or touched hundreds of oncologists and scientists across the world. Cancer eradication was not a vague goal but the focus of his entire life. Jose was a man of passion, science, and faith.
Mi padre falleció hace unos meses también a causa de la ECJ. Os mando todo el ánimo del mundo en estos difíciles momentos y agradezco, de corazón, vuestra iniciativa. Un abrazo
José is a true hero in the oncology world. Not only that he has transformed the practice in breast cancer, he has led teams of outstanding reseachers joining his efforts. We shall always miss our hero.
I remember when I first met Jose when he decided to look at the Physician-in-Chief position at Memorial. I was struck by his enthusiasm and energy.
It was an honor to have worked with him at Memorial in relation to physician leadership recruitment.
When we were getting close to selecting someone, he would lean over and ask me who I liked and why.
I will never forget that about him.
Siempre recordaré a Pepe ante mi inocente pregunta ante una posible quimio por un tumor de mama hace 22 años .. “No tendrás un tratamiento que me conserve el pelo ? .”. respuesta : “Querrás ver a tus nietos ??”
..Hoy gracias a Dios y a Pepe tenemos 6 !
Que gran médico y gran persona !!
Oriol & Alba
De " l'edelweiss"...... fan poms de dol ........ els teus vells amics, que ja t'enyoren.... Espera'ls...-on la neu té un blanc més pur
Vuestra iniciativa, querida Silvia y queridos hermanos Baselga-Garriga, es el mejor homenaje que habéis podido tributar a vuestro marido y padre. Los hermanos Enrich Muls vemos con emoción que el espíritu del Dr. Baselga se perpetúa en vosotros tomando iniciativas como esta de iniciar y animar donaciones para la labor investigadora del ECJ en el Hospital Clinic. Os felicitamos y enviamos un muy cariñoso abrazo.
After my completion of chemo and with no evidence of metastatic disease to be found ..: I was elated but also crushed b/c all the doctors still decided I was stage 4.
Dr Baselga came into the clinic room as I sat there thinking over my supposed good or was it bad news!? And he exclaimed "You're in remission. "YOU are going to live a long life"
Shocked I said "how long do you mean?"
Dr. Baselga replied, "You will retire me & I am never going to retire'" it was the hope I needed to hear.
El Dr Baselga va ajudar molts malalts de càncer amb una lluita constant. Ara es mereix que ajudem la seva família per investigar la malatia minoritària i letal Creutzfeldt-Jakob que se'l va emportar. Jo ja ho he fet. Animeu-vos!
I will always remember José for his great passion, Passion to find a cure for cancer.Passion to hire and develop the very best talent, who can help us do just that. He was a force to be reckoned with, pushed us to be our best and always left a lasting impression. His legacy will live on and we will continue to honour his memory. My deepest sympathy for his family and close friends who are feeling his loss even more acutely today. José will be truly missed